Crt Unit Procedures and Functions
AssignCrt Proc Associates a text file with the CRT window.
ClrEol Proc Clears all the characters from the cursor
position to the end of the line.
ClrScr Proc Clears the screen and returns the cursor to the
upper left corner.
Delay Proc Delays a specifed number of milliseconds.
DelLine Proc Deletes the line containing the cursor.
GotoXY Proc Moves the cursor to the given coordinates within
the virtual screen.
HighVideo Proc Selects high-intensity characters.
InsLine Proc Inserts an empty line at the cursor position.
KeyPressed Func Determines if a key has been pressed on the
LowVideo Proc Selects low-intensity characters.
NormVideo Proc Selects the original text attribute read from
the cursor location at startup.
NoSound Proc Turns off the computer's internal speaker.
ReadKey Func Reads a character from the keyboard.
Sound Proc Starts the internal speaker.
TextBackground Proc Selects the background color.
TextColor Proc Selects the foreground character color.
TextMode Proc Selects a specific text mode.
WhereX Func Returns the X coordinate of the current cursor
WhereY Func Returns the Y coordinate of the current cursor
Window Proc Defines a text window on the screen.