> Borland Pascal Functions and Procedures T


 Borland Pascal Functions and Procedures T

    TextBackground   Proc  Selects the background color.
    TextColor        Proc  Selects the foreground character color.
    TextHeight       Func  Returns the height of a string, in pixels.
    TextMode         Proc  Selects a specific text mode.
    TextWidth        Func  Returns the width of a string in pixels.
    TrackCursor      Proc  Scrolls the CRT window if necessary to ensure that
                           the cursor is visible.
    Trunc            Func  Truncates a real-type value to an Integer-type
    Truncate         Proc  Truncates the file at the current file position.
    TypeOf           Func  Returns a pointer to an object type's virtual
                           method table.
    Str              Proc  Converts a numeric value to a string.
    StrCat           Func  Appends a copy of one string to the end of another
                           and returns the concatenated string.
    StrComp          Func  Compares two strings.
    StrCopy          Func  Copies one string to another.
    StrDispose       Func  Disposes a string on a heap.
    StrECopy         Func  Copies one string to another and returns a pointer
                           to the end of the resulting string.
    StrEnd           Func  Returns a pointer to the end of a string.
    StrLCat          Func  Appends characters from one string to the end of
                           another and returns the concatenated string.
    StrlComp         Func  Compares two strings without case sensitivity.
    StrLComp         Func  Compares two strings, up to a maximum length.
    StrLCopy         Func  Copies characters from one string to another.
    StrLen           Func  Returns the number of characters in Str.
    StrLIComp        Func  Compares two strings, up to a maximum length,
                           without case sensitivity.
    StrLower         Func  Converts a string to lower case.
    StrMove          Func  Copies characters from one string to another.
    StrNew           Func  Allocates a string on a heap.
    StrPas           Func  Converts a null-terminated string to a
                           Pascal-style string.
    StrPCopy         Func  Copies a Pascal-style string to a null-terminated
    StrPos           Func  Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a
                           string in another string.
    StrScan          Func  Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a
                           character in a string.
    StrRScan         Func  Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of a
                           character in a string.
    StrUpper         Func  Converts a string to upper case.
    Succ             Func  Returns the successor of the argument.
    Swap             Func  Swaps the high- and low-order bytes of the
    SwapVectors      Proc  Swaps the SaveIntXX pointers in the System unit
                           with the current vectors.

See Also

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