▄ Control+Right Mouse Button
The Right Mouse Button radio buttons determine what happens when you press Control+right (not left) mouse button.
■ NOTE: If Reverse Mouse Buttons is checked, these actions happen when you click Control+ left mouse button.
Here's a table of what the Control+right mouse button does if you choose an option other than Nothing:
Control+ │ Is
Right Mouse │ equivalent to
Button Option │ choosing this menu item
( ) Nothing │
(.) Topic Search │ Help│Topic Search
( ) Go to Cursor │ Run│Go to cursor
( ) Breakpoint │ Debug│Toggle Breakpoint
( ) Evaluate │ Debug│Evaluate
( ) Add Watch │ Debug│Add Watch
( ) Browse symbol │ Search│Symbol
Right mouse button always brings up a local menu.
By default, Control+right mouse button activates Topic Search.
See also: