> Сообщения компилятора об ошибках 001 - 099


 ▄ Сообщения компилятора об ошибках 001 - 099

Чтобы получить информацию о конкретной ошибке компилятора, выберите её номер.

Смотри также:

 Ошибка │
    #   │ Сообщение об ошибке
    1   │Out of memory
    2   │Identifier expected
    3   │Unknown identifier
    4   │Duplicate identifier
    5   │Syntax error
    6   │Error in real constant
    7   │Error in integer constant
    8   │String constant exceeds line
   10   │Unexpected end of file
   11   │Line too long
   12   │Type identifier expected
   13   │Too many open files
   14   │Invalid file name
   15   │File not found
   16   │Disk full
   17   │Invalid compiler directive
   18   │Too many files
   19   │Undefined type in pointer def
   20   │Variable identifier expected
   21   │Error in type
   22   │Structure too large
   23   │Set base type out of range
   24   │File components may not be files or objects
   25   │Invalid string length
   26   │Type mismatch
   27   │Invalid subrange base type
   28   │Lower bound > than upper bound
   29   │Ordinal type expected
   30   │Integer constant expected
   31   │Constant expected
   32   │Integer or real constant expected
   33   │Pointer Type identifier expected
   34   │Invalid function result type
   35   │Label identifier expected
   36   │BEGIN expected
   37   │END expected
   38   │Integer expression expected
   39   │Ordinal expression expected
   40   │Boolean expression expected
   41   │Operand types do not match
   42   │Error in expression
   43   │Illegal assignment
   44   │Field identifier expected
   45   │Object file too large
   46   │Undefined EXTERN
   47   │Invalid object file record
   48   │Code segment too large
   49   │Data segment too large
   50   │DO expected
   51   │Invalid PUBLIC definition
   52   │Invalid EXTRN definition
   53   │Too many EXTRN definitions
   54   │OF expected
   55   │INTERFACE expected
   56   │Invalid relocatable reference
   57   │THEN expected
   58   │TO or DOWNTO expected
   59   │Undefined forward
   61   │Invalid typecast
   62   │Division by zero
   63   │Invalid file type
   64   │Cannot read or write variables of this type
   65   │Pointer variable expected
   66   │String variable expected
   67   │String expression expected
   68   │Circular unit reference
   69   │Unit name mismatch
   70   │Unit version mismatch
   71   │Internal stack overflow
   72   │Unit file format error
   73   │Implementation expected
   74   │Constant and case types don't match
   75   │Record or object variable expected
   76   │Constant out of range
   77   │File variable expected
   78   │Pointer expression expected
   79   │Integer or real expression expected
   80   │Label not within current block
   81   │Label already defined
   82   │Undefined label in preceding stmt part
   83   │Invalid @ argument
   84   │UNIT expected
   85   │";" expected
   86   │":" expected
   87   │"," expected
   88   │"(" expected
   89   │")" expected
   90   │"=" expected
   91   │":=" expected
   92   │"[" or "(." expected
   93   │"]" or ".)" expected
   94   │"." expected
   95   │".." expected
   96   │Too many variables
   97   │Invalid FOR control variable
   98   │Integer variable expected
   99   │Files types are not allowed here

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Тэги: errors compiler 1--99

Код для вставки: :: :: :: ГОСТ ::
Поделиться: //

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