▄ The Borland Pascal Editor
There are many ways to get into an open Edit window (make it active):
1) Click it.
2) Press Alt+# (where # is that Edit
window's number).
3) Choose the window from the Window│List
dialog box.
4) Press (or click) F6 to cycle through the
open windows.
To close the active Edit window, choose Window│Close.
Once in the Edit window, you enter text just as if you were using a typewriter.
■ When you want to end a line, press Enter.
■ To exit the editor, press F10.
The maximum line width in an Edit window is 249 characters; you'll get a beep if you try to type past that.
However, the compiler recognizes a maximum of 126 characters per line.
You can right click your mouse to bring up the edit local menu.
See Also
The Edit window Cursor Movement Commands Insert & Delete Commands Block Commands Miscellaneous Commands