Ordinary decimal notation is used for numbers that are constants of type integer and real.
A hexadecimal integer constant uses a dollar sign ($) as a prefix.
Engineering notation (E or e, followed by an exponent) is read as "times 10 to the power of" in real types. For example:
7E-2 means 7 x 10-2
12.25e+6 or 12.25e6 both mean 12.25 x 10+6.
Numbers with decimals or exponents denote real-type constants.
Other decimal numbers denote integer-type constants; they must be between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
Hexadecimal numbers
Hexadecimal numbers denote integer-type constants; they must be between $00000000 and $FFFFFFFF.
The resulting value's sign is implied by the hexadecimal notation.