> Local Symbols


 │ [X] Local Symbols    │

[X] When checked, the Local Symbols option enables the compiler to generate local symbol information.

Local symbol information consists of

 ■ the symbols in the module's implementation
   part (names and types of all local
   variables and constants in a module)
 ■ the symbols within the module's procedures
   and functions

For units, the local symbol information is recorded in the unit file, along with the unit's object code.

When local symbols are on for a given program or unit, you can:

 ■ use the integrated debugger to examine and
     modify the module's local variables
 ■ examine calls to the module's procedures
     and functions through the Call stack

The Options│Debugger [X] Standalone option and Options│Linker, Map File options produce local symbol information for a given module only if that module was compiled with Local Symbols checked (on).

Local symbol information increases the size of unit files, and takes up additional room when you compile programs that use the unit, but it does not affect the size or speed of the executable program.

The Local Symbols option is usually used with the Debug Information option.

■ NOTE: The Local Symbols directive is ignored if Debug Information is off.

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