> WinCrt Procedures and Functions


 WinCrt Procedures and Functions

   AssignCrt     Proc   Associates a text file with the CRT window.
   ClrEol        Proc   Clears all the characters from the cursor position
                        to the end of the line.
   ClrScr        Proc   Clears the screen and returns the cursor to the
                        upper left corner.
   CursorTo      Proc   Moves the cursor to the given coordinates within
                        the virtual screen.
   DoneWinCrt    Proc   Destroys the CRT window.
   GotoXY        Proc   Moves the cursor to the given coordinates within
                        the virtual screen.
   InitWinCrt    Proc   Creates the CRT window.
   KeyPressed    Func   Returns True if a key has been pressed on the
   ReadBuf       Func   Inputs a line from the CRT window.
   ReadKey       Func   Reads a character from the keyboard.
   ScrollTo      Proc   Scrolls the CRT window to show a screen location.
   TrackCursor   Proc   Scrolls the CRT window to keep the cursor visible.
   WhereX        Func   Returns the X coordinate of the current cursor
   WhereY        Func   Returns the Y coordinate of the current cursor
   WriteBuf      Proc   Writes a block of characters to the CRT window.
   WriteChar     Proc   Writes a single character to the CRT window.

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