> Display Swapping


 ▄ Display Swapping

The Display Swapping set of options in the Options│Debugger dialog box governs when the integrated debugger changes display windows while running a program.

  Display  │
  Swapping │ When the integrated debugger
  Option   │ swaps the displays
  None     │ Never
  Always   │ Every time a statement executes
  Smart    │ (the default) If the code being
           │ executed generates output to the
           │ screen, or if it calls a function
           │ or procedure

 │ ( ) None │

Use None for debugging sections of code that you're certain do not output to the screen.

 │ ( ) Always │

Use Always any time your running program is likely to overwrite the Edit window or any other part of the Borland Pascal development environment screen.

 │ ( ) Smart │

When you choose Smart, the debugger swaps the screen from the Edit window to the User Screen long enough for output to take place, then swaps back. Otherwise, no swapping occurs.

The Smart setting is not foolproof. Be aware of the following:

 ■ Smart swaps on any procedure call, even if
   the procedure does no screen output.

 ■ In some situations, the Edit window might
   be modified without being swapped; for
   example, if a timer interrupt routine
   writes to the screen.

■ NOTE: If you're debugging in dual-monitor mode (using the /D command-line switch), you can see your program's output on one monitor and the Borland Pascal screen on the other.

In this case, Borland Pascal never swaps screens and the Display Swapping setting has no effect.

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