Boolean types
There are four predefined boolean types: Boolean, WordBool, LongBool, and ByteBool.
Boolean = (False, True);
WordBool = (False, True);
LongBool = (False, True);
ByteBool = (False, True);
These types are the following sizes:
- Boolean is Byte-sized (8 bits)
- WordBool is Word-sized (16 bits)
- LongBool is Longint-sized (32 bits)
- ByteBool is Byte-sized (8 bits)
Because booleans are enumerated ordinal types, these relationships apply:
False < True
Ord(False) = 0
Ord(True) = 1
Succ(False) = True
Pred(True) = False
Boolean is the preferred type and uses the least memory. ByteBool, WordBool, and LongBool exist primarily to provide compatibility with Windows .
In an expression, these relational operators produce results of type Boolean.
= <> > < >= <= IN
For Windows compatibility, booleans can assume ordinal values other than 0 and 1.
A boolean expression is considered False when its ordinal value is 0, and True when its ordinal value is non-zero.
The not, and, or, and xor boolean operators work by testing for 0 (False) or
non-zero (True), but always return a result with an ordinal value of 0 or 1.