> $P: Open String Parameters Switch


 $P:  Open String Parameters Switch

Controls the meaning of variable parameters declared using the string keyword.

   Syntax:        {$P+} or {$P-}
   Default:       {$P-}
   Type:          Global
   Menu Command:  Options|Compiler|Open parameters

The $P- State

In the $P- state, variable parameters declared using the string keyword are normal variable parameters. This allows compatibility with earlier versions of Turbo Pascal.

The $P+ State

In the $P+ state, variable parameters declared using the string keyword are open string parameters. Regardless of the setting of the $P directive, the OpenString identifier can always be used to declare open string paraemters.

The actual parameter of an open-string parameter can be a variable of any string type, and within the procedure or function, the size attribute (maximum length) of the formal parameter will be the same as that of the actual parameter.

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Тэги: $P

Код для вставки: :: :: :: ГОСТ ::
Поделиться: //

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