Overlay Code Generation Switch
Enables, disables overlay code generation
Syntax: {$O+} or {$O-}
Default: {$O-}
Type: Global
Menus: [X] Overlays Allowed
Real mode
The {$O+} State
In the {$O+} state, the code generator takes special precautions when passing string and set constant parameters from one overlaid procedure or function to another.
Using {$O+} in a unit does not force you to overlay that unit, but the compiler allows a unit to be overlaid only if it was compiled with {$O+}.
If you develop units that you plan to use in both overlaid and non-overlaid applications, compiling them with {$O+} ensures that you can do both with just one version of the unit.
Note: A {$O+} compiler directive is almost always used with a {$F+} directive to satisfy the overlay manager's FAR call requirement.