> $M: Memory Allocation Sizes Directive


 $M:  Memory Allocation Sizes Directive

Specifies a program's memory allocation parameters.

   Syntax:        $M StackSize, HeapSize
   Defaults:      {$M stack size, heap size}         (Windows)
                  {$M stack size} (Protected mode)
                  {$M stack size, heapmin, heapmax} (Real mode)
   Type:          Global
   Menu Command:  Options|Compiler|Memory Sizes

The $M directive specifies an application or library's memory allocation parameters. stacksize must be an integer number in the range 1,024 to 65,520 which specifies the size of the stack segment.

For DOS real mode, heapmin and heapmax specify the minimum and maximum sizes of the heap, respectively. heapmin must be in the range 0 to 655360, and heapmax must be in the range heapmin to 655360.

For Windows, heapsize specifies the size of the local heap area in the data segment. heapsize must be an integer number in the range 0 to 65520.

NOTE: The $M directive has no effect when used in a unit. The stacksize parameter in a $M directive is ignored in a library (a library always uses the stack of the applications that call it).

See Also

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