WinAPI constants
Flags returned by GetWinFlags
wf_PMode = $0001; { Running in protected mode }
wf_CPU286 = $0002; { System CPU is an 80286 }
wf_CPU386 = $0004; { System CPU is an 80386 }
wf_CPU486 = $0008; { System CPU is an 80486 }
wf_Standard = $0010; { Running in standard mode }
wf_Enhanced = $0020; { Running in enhanced mode }
wf_CPU086 = $0040; { System CPU is an 8086 }
wf_CPU186 = $0080; { System CPU is an 80186 }
wf_LargeFrame = $0100; { Windows EMS large-frame configuration }
wf_SmallFrame = $0200; { Windows EMS small-frame configuration }
wf_80x87 = $0400; { System contains a math coprocessor }
GlobalAlloc and GlobalReAlloc flags
gmem_Fixed = $0000; { Allocate fixed memory }
gmem_Moveable = $0002; { Allocate moveable memory }
gmem_NoCompact = $0010; { Don't compact when allocating }
gmem_NoDiscard = $0020; { Don't discard when allocating }
gmem_ZeroInit = $0040; { Initialize memory contents to zero }
gmem_Modify = $0080; { Modify memory flags }
gmem_Discardable = $0100; { Allocate discardable memory }
gmem_Not_Banked = $1000; { Allocate non-banked memory }
gmem_DDEShare = $2000; { Allocate sharable memory }
gmem_Notify = $4000; { Notify upon discarding }
Flags returned by GlobalFlags (in addition to gmem_Discardable)
gmem_Discarded = $4000;
gmem_LockCount = $00FF;
MessageBox Flags
mb_Ok = $0000;
mb_OkCancel = $0001;
mb_AbortRetryIgnore = $0002;
mb_YesNoCancel = $0003;
mb_YesNo = $0004;
mb_RetryCancel = $0005;
mb_IconHand = $0010;
mb_IconStop = $0010;
mb_IconQuestion = $0020;
mb_IconExclamation = $0030;
mb_IconAsterisk = $0040;
mb_IconInformation = $0040;
mb_DefButton1 = $0000;
mb_DefButton2 = $0100;
mb_DefButton3 = $0200;
mb_ApplModal = $0000;
mb_SystemModal = $1000;
mb_TaskModal = $2000;
mb_NoFocus = $8000;
mb_TypeMask = $000F;
mb_IconMask = $00F0;
mb_DefMask = $0F00;
mb_ModeMask = $3000;
mb_MiscMask = $C000;
MessageBox return values
id_Ok = 1;
id_Cancel = 2;
id_Abort = 3;
id_Retry = 4;
id_Ignore = 5;
id_Yes = 6;
id_No = 7;