Borland Pascal Functions and Procedures E-F
Ellipse Proc Draws an elliptical arc.
EnvCount Func Returns the number of strings contained in the DOS
EnvStr Func Returns a specified environment string.
Eof Func Returns the end-of-file status.
Eoln Func Returns the end-of-line status of a text file.
Erase Proc Erases an external file.
Exclude Proc Excludes an element from a set.
Exec Proc Executes a specified program with a specified
command line.
Exit Proc Exits immediately from the current block.
Exp Func Returns the exponential of the argument.
FileExpand Func Expands a file name into a fully-qualified file
FilePos Func Returns the current file position of a file.
FileSearch Func Searches for a file.
FileSize Func Returns the current size of a file.
FileSplit Func Splits a file name into its three components.
FillChar Proc Fills a specified number (count) of contiguous
bytes with a specified value (can be type Byte or
FillEllipse Proc Draws a filled ellipse.
FillPoly Proc Fills a polygon, using the scan converter.
FindFirst Proc Searches the specified directory for the matching
FindNext Proc Finds the next entry that matches the name and
attributes specified in an earlier entry call to
FloodFill Proc Fills a bounded region with the current fill
pattern and color.
Flush Proc Flushes the buffer of a text file open for output.
Frac Func Returns the fractional part of the argument.
FreeMem Proc Disposes a dynamic variable of a given size.
FreeMultiSel Proc Frees a TMultiSelRec record allocated by
FSplit Proc Splits the file name into its three components.