▄ Register Window
The Register window is where you can view the contents of CPU registers and flags.
┌────── CPU ────5─┐
│ AX 0000 DX 0000 │
│ CX 0000 BX 0000 │ The top half of the
│ IP 0000 CS 0000 │ window shows the
│ SI 0000 DS 0000 │ contents of the CPU
│ DI 0000 ES 0000 │ registers.
│ SP 0000 SS 0000 │
│ BP 0000 │
│ c=0 z=0 s=0 o=0 │ The bottom half shows
│ p=0 i=0 a=0 d=0 │ the contents of the
└─────────────────┘ 8 CPU flags.
Flag │ What It Is
C │ Carry flag
Z │ Zero flag
S │ Sign flag
O │ Overflow flag
P │ Parity flag
A │ Auxiliary flag
I │ interrupt flag
D │ Direction flag
The Register window is useful when you want to look at the contents of the registers but don't need to see the rest of the CPU state.