> Help on the Open Options Dialog Box


 ▄ Help on the Open Options Dialog Box

The Open Options dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard buttons Cancel and Help, two other action buttons (Open and Replace), plus a history list that's attached to the Options file name input box.

 ┌─ Options file name ─────────────┐
 │                                 │

The Options file name input box is where you enter the name of the file to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box.

 ┌ Files ──────────────────────────┐
 │                                 │
 │  FILENM01.PAS  │  FILENM09.PAS  │
 │  FILENM02.PAS  │  FILENM10.PAS  │
 │  FILENM03.PAS  │  FILENM11.PAS  │
 │  FILENM04.PAS  │  FILENM12.PAS  │
 │  FILENM05.PAS  │  ..            │
 │  FILENM06.PAS  │  \MOREXAMP     │
 │  FILENM07.PAS  │  \TOURS        │
 │  ◄▒▒▒■▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒►     │

The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Options file name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories.

 │ C:\TP\EXAMPLES\*.PAS                     │
 │ HELLO.PAS       52  May 14,1992  12:00pm │

The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file.

None of the items on this information panel are selectable.

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