▄ Help on the Directories dialog box
The Directories dialog box consists of five input boxes and the standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons.
With the options in this dialog box, you tell Borland Pascal where to find the files it needs to compile, link, and output executable files.
┌─ EXE and TPU Directory ──────────────┐
│ │
The EXE and TPU Directory input box specifies the directory that stores your .EXE and unit (object code) files.
┌─ Include directories ────────────────┐
│ │
The Include Directories input box specifies the directory that contains your standard Include files.
┌─ Unit directories ───────────────────┐
│ │
Unit Directories specifies the directories that contain your Borland Pascal unit files.
┌─ Object directories ─────────────────┐
│ │
Object Directories specifies the directories that contain your .OBJ files (assembly language routines).
┌─ Resource directories ───────────────┐
│ │
Resource Directories specifies the directories that contain your resource files.
See also: Guidelines for entering directory names