> Help on the Browser Options dialog box


 ▄ Help on the Browser Options dialog box

This dialog box consists of two sets of radio buttons, two sets of check boxes, and the standard buttons OK, Cancel, and Help.

You use the settings in this dialog box to customize the browser's actions in the Borland Pascal environment.

 │ Symbols             
 │  [X] Labels          │
 │  [X] Constants       │
 │  [X] Types           │
 │  [X] Variables       │
 │  [X] Procedures      │
 │  [X] Inherited       │

This group of checkboxes allows you to specify the scope of symbols to be browsed.

 │ Sub-browsing         
 │  ( ) New browser     │
 │  (.) Replace current │

This group of radio buttons specifies whether a browse request of a new subgroup will bring up a new window or replace the current one.

 │ Preferred pane     
 │  ( ) Scope         │
 │  (.) Reference     │

This group of radio buttons is used to specify whether reference or scope information is displayed.

 │ Display                
 │  [X] Qualified symbols │
 │  [ ] Sort always       │

Use the Display checkboxes to specify whether only qualified symbols get sorted or all records and identifiers. It also determines whether fully qualified names are displayed in the Browser.

 For more information  ╔═════════════════════════╗
 click on this box     ║ Using the ObjectBrowser 

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Код для вставки: :: :: :: ГОСТ ::
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Хостинг предоставлен компанией "Веб Сервис Центр" при поддержке компании "ДокЛаб"